
Friday, April 24, 2015

Digital notes are due Monday (please see the link to the Lincoln Library here). Click on Inquiry to get a digital notes template you can copy and use in Google drive.  For Monday, I am requiring FIVE digital notes sources IN PLACE OF your regular current events journal entries.  Drag down the Inquiry tab to see the link to our class topic.

SO, due Monday:  current events journal check in (may be shared on paper or digitally) you should have 3 week's of entries at this point AND your 5 digital notes.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Reminder, current events journal entry #2 due Monday, April 13.  Extra credit opportunity, Merchants of Doubt, now playing in select Portland theaters:  view and complete a one-page response.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Homework included FIVE passage /response entries from the introduction to This Changes Everything:  Capitalism and the Climate.  In addition, add THREE big questions that come out of the reading for you; TWO shocking facts; and the ONE most compelling argument she makes in the selection.

Don't forget, our first current even journal is due MONDAY - two entries for the week of 3/30-4/3

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

EXTERNALITIES - cost or benefit that affects a party who did not choose to incur that cost or benefit; the consequence that is experienced by unrelated third parties.

OPPORTUNITY COSTS  - a benefit, profit or value of something that must be given up to achieve something else; the value of the next best alternative which is mutually exclusive from the first choice.  This is closely tied with the concept of scarcity - that there are limited amounts of resources (raw materials, time, happiness) and that we must choose; but at a cost.

1.  how does this simulation work/not work as a market model?
2.  in real life, what are the externalities of this "game"?
3.  opportunity costs?

for the reading:  complete a passage response journal of at least FIVE entries (passage/your response)